Clap hands, one, two
Lets take a walk to wiggly zoo
Pitter, patter, yackity, yack
When you talk to the animals
They talk back.
3 Little Monkeys
3 little monkeys swinging in the tree
(3 fingers swinging in air)
teasing Mr. Alligator
“You can’t catch me, no you can’t catch me”
(nod head)
Along comes Mr. Alligator quiet as can be
(make alligator with hands and have them swim)
SNAP! That monkey right out of that tree
(clap hands)
Continue counting down to 0
3 Little Ducks
3 little ducks went out to play
(hold up 3 fingers)
Over the hills and far away
(make hills with your arm)
When the mother duck says
Quack, quack, quack
(quack with your hand)
2 little ducks came waddling back
(hold up 2 fingers)
Continue counting down till no ducks come back
But when the daddy duck says
(quack with your arms)
3 little ducks came waddling back
(hold up 3 fingers)
Four Little Bunnies
Four little bunnies went out to lunch.
They found some carrots and took a bunch.
They ate the carrots with a crunch, crunch, crunch!
Four little bunnies went out to lunch.
They found some lettuce and took a bunch.
They ate the lettuce with a munch, munch, munch!
Here is a Bunny
Here is a bunny with ears so funny.
Here is a hole in the ground.
At the first sound he hears,
He perks up his ears,
And hops in the hole in the ground.
Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds
Sitting on the wall,
(hold up one finger of each hand)
One named Peter,
The other named Paul.
Fly away Peter!
(put a hand behind your back)
Fly away, Paul!
(put the other hand behind you back)
Come back, Peter!
(bring the first hand from behind your back)
Come back, Paul!
(bring the second hand from behind your back)
Baby Kangaroo
Jump, jump, jump goes the big kangaroo,
I thought there was one, but I see there are two.
The mother takes her young one along in a pouch
(index of left hand slips up between thumb and fingers of right hand)
Where he can nap like a child on a couch.
(incline head on folded hands)
Jump, Jump, Jump,
Jump, Jump, Jump
Pretty little goldfish
Never can talk.
All it does is wiggle
When it tries to walk.
One, two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I let him go again!
Why did I let him go?
Because he bit my finger so.
Which finger did he bite?
The little one on the right
Catching a Fish
One,two, three, four, five,
I caught a fish alive.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.
This Little Piggy
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
This little piggy cried, "Wee, wee, wee, wee."
All the way home.
The Elephant
The elephant has a trunk for a nose,
And up and down is the way it goes,
(Clasp hands together, extend arms and raise and lower them)
He wears such a saggy, baggy hide!
(relax body)
Do you think two elephants would fit inside?
(hold up two fingers)
What a Nose!
An elephant walks like this and that.
He's terribly big, and he's terribly fat.
He's got big ears, and he's got not toes,
But goodness, gracious, what a nose!
Leo the Lion
Leo the lion is the king of the jungle
And his jaws are big and wide. (ROAR!)
Leo the lion gives a roar as a warning
That you better run away and hide.(ROAR!)
What the Animals Do
We'll hop, hop, hop like a bunny
And run, run, run like a dog.
We'll walk, walk, walk like an elephant
And jump, jump, jump like a frog.
We'll swim, swim, swim like a goldfish
And fly, fly, fly like a bird.
We'll sit right down and fold our hands
And not say a single word.
Five Little Kittens
Five little kittens
standing in a row.
They nod their heads
to the children, so.
They run to the left;
They run to the right;
They stand up and stretch
in the bright sunlight.
Along comes a dog
who's in for some fun.
Meow! See those
five kittens run!
Little Mousie
Here's a little mousie.
Peeking through a hole.
Peek to the left.
Peek to the right.
Pull your head back in;
There's a cat in sight!
I Had a Little Turtle
I had a little turtle
He lived in a box
He swam in the puddles
And he climbed on the rocks
He snapped at a mosquito
He snapped at a flea
He snapped at a minnow
And he snapped at me
He caught the mosquito
He caught the flea
He caught the minnow
But he didn't catch me.
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Five little speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating the most delicious bugs
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are four green speckled frogs
Glub, glub
(ending :now there are no green speckled frogs)
The Rooster
The rooster crows each morning
To say the day is new.
We all know just what he'll say ...
Don't Scare a Skunk
If you see a skunk,
Take it from me,
Be sure not to scare him,
Or sorry you'll be!
Chubby Snowman
There was a chubby snowman (hold arms around body like you are chubby)
Who had a carrot nose. (with one hand make a pinching motion and pull it out from your nose to insinuate a carrot shape)
Along came a bunny (hold up two fingers and make a hopping motion)
And what do you suppose? (shrug shoulders)
That hungry little bunny(rub tummy)
Was looking for his lunch (hold one hand over eyes and look around)
He ate that snowman's nose....
Nibble, nibble CRUNCH! (use hand to make a chomping mouth actions at your nose)
Ride a Little Horsey
Ride a little horsey
Down to town.
You better be careful
So you don't fall down.
This Little Puppy
This little puppy said, "Let's go out and play."
This little puppy said, "Let's run away."
This little puppy said, "Let's sstay out til dark."
This little puppy said, "Let's bark, bark, bark."
This little puppy said, "I think it would be fun,
To go straight home, so let's run, run, run."
Creeping, creeping, creeping
Creeping, creeping, creeping,
Comes the little cat;
But bunny with his long ears
Hops like that!
Here Goes a Turtle
tap on child from foot to head
Here goes a trutle up the hill,
Creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy.
Here goes a rabbit up the hill,
Boing, boing, boing, boing.
Here goes an elephant up the hill,
Thud, thud, thud, thud.
Here goes a snake up the hill,
Slither, slither, slither, slither.
Here comes a rock down the hill,
from head to foot
Boom, boom, boom, boom, CRASH!
This Little Froggie
This little froggie broke his toe.
This little froggie cried, "Oh, oh, oh."
This little froggie laughed and was glad.
This little froggie cried and was sad.
But this little froggie did just as he should;
He hopped to the doctor as fast as he could.
Higglety Pigglety Pop
clap child's hands, roll child's hands, clap child's hands
Higglety Pigglety Pop!
The dog has eaten the mop.
The pig's in a hurry,
The cat's in a flurry,
Higglety Pigglety Pop!